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How lack of access to Technology is limiting peoples access to food

So Im struggling with the week 1 activity. Im privileged in that I'm semi retired, live in a house with a garden and currently do not have any money worries. I find it hard thinking about how I might see friends and family during this crisis when so many others are struggling to even eat. This morning a BBC R4 article about the increased demand for food banks and the how a lack of technology is impacting some peoples ability to get food was shocking. I've listened to that article twice now and some of the stats are very interesting given the discussion about some elder people not being able use the technology that may support us moving out of lock down. The stats came from 2 organisations, neither of which I had ever heard off:

Some of the comments that made me sit up:

  • 1.8m people in the UK do not have access to WiFI
  • 6m can't turn on a device, 50% of whom are under 65!
  • Food bank demand has increased 120% and has doubled for families with children
  • An old person who did not have access to technology and only used cash could not access food delivery services and collapsed in the street when he eventually left the house in search of food

Listen for yourself : Article starts about 17 minutes in

Guardian Article: