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How things have changed since lockdown.

What precautions you take:

Always carry hand sanitiser, wear a mask if going to the shop, wash hands as soon as get back home and disinfect mobile phone. Don't leave the house apart from daily exercise and going to collect shopping once a week.

What you worry about:

Catching it and bringing it back to older family members.

Job security. I am currently on furlough and work in the events industry which is really struggling at the moment, so I'm concerned that if this goes on for much longer I will be made redundant.

Economy and house market. I have been saving for the deposit for my first home whilst living with my partner's parents. We are aiming to move at the end of this year but I'm concerned that my lack of job security will affect my prospects of buying, or that I'll buy a house and my company won't get back on track so I will lose my job.

How your behaviour is different to before:

Keeping away from people

Get quite annoyed when people don’t maintain distancing outdoors

I'm out of work at the moment, and I'm usually very busy so I'm finding it relaxing but also unnerving not being able to work for so long.