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Feedback on this project


Have you ever taken part in an event like this before ?

* required

Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statement:   

"I understood what the purpose of the debate was"

* required

Please tell us what extent you agree with the following statement:

"The information provided was clear and easy to understand"

* required

Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statement:

"The presentations were interesting"

* required

Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statement:

"The presentations added value to the debate"

* required

Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statement:

"I had enough time to contribute my views"

* required

Please tell us to what extent you agree with the following statement:

"It is important that the public can take part in debates like this"

* required

Overall, how enjoyable did you find taking part in this series of debates?

* required

Thinking about the activities you took part in, was there anything that made you feel like you couldn't take part fully at the time? For example, spaces you couldn't access or materials that weren't clear.

* required

How well do you feel the debate worked through Zoom and the online platform as opposed to, for example, a face-to-face setting?

* required

How well did you feel the online platform (Engagement HQ) worked through which we asked you to do activities in between the zoom meetings?

* required

Which method of participating in this event did you prefer?

* required